Saturday, July 9, 2011

Kitchen Remodel Complete!

After a few months of research, a little money, and two weeks of hard work Jason and I have finally finished work on our kitchen.

Kitchen Before.

Kitchen After.

Tile detail and a little better look at the countertops.
We have  spent the last two weeks painting our cabinets, painting our countertops, painting hardware, replacing the molding on top of the cabinets, and installed a tile backsplash. All of this for less than $500. Being a stay at home mom; a family living on a teacher's salary, I think we are very blessed in so many ways and I feel very blessed that we were able to complete this project and the huge difference it has made to our kitchen. I had always wanted to do something with our kitchen since we moved in but wasn't sure where to even start. After I had Haley and was home all the time I really started looking into our options on our limited budget. I have been kidding with Jason that stainless steel appliances would really bring the whole thing together. and he always remarks with, "That will be the first thing I tell the next owners of this house when ever we decide to leave." Ha, he is so funny.

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