Monday, December 12, 2011

Haley Turns 2!!!

Before I get all into Christmas here at the Dickerson household I want to post about Haley's second birthday.

I cannot begin to explain how fast the last two years have passed for me. It feels like last week I was sitting at my desk in the Human Resources office of a local community college waiting for Haley's arrival. Knowing that I had another two weeks until my due date. Of course she had other plans and I couldn't have been more pleased. Jason and I still talk today about the "Oh crap!" moment when you realize the hospital is going to send you home with this little breathing human and they trust you will keep it alive. She has really been the light of our lives over the past two years and the reason we strive to be better people ourselves.

For Haley's birthday this year, first thing in the morning was her 2-year well check-up at the doctor and a few more shots. Haley always does great at the doctor's office and we have been very fortunate that we have not had to take her in for any sick visits yet. After that her Nana and I took her to Chick-Fil-A for breakfast and a little play time. She always gets excited when we pull into their parking lot because she knows she will get to "Eat, and play....woo-woo-woo!". We did a very little bit of shopping and running errands before heading home and getting ready for her party.

We don't do big birthday parties around here. We invited the grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts, and uncles over for dinner, cake, and ice cream. Haley gets a lot of hand me downs  from her cousin Olivia, so she already has everything she could ever want and then some. So giving ideas for her birthday and Christmas this year has been really hard, but we ended up with some great birthday gifts. I am so thankful for everyone coming to spend this evening with Haley and she has absolutely loved opening and playing with all the gifts this year. Jason and I have spent the past week playing basketball, having tea parties, picnics, reading books, and outside sliding. And I don't think we have had so much fun!! Happy 2nd Birthday Haley!!

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